“The next shopping spree I’m going on is for a new last name!!!” Lindsay Tweeted late Friday night, the end of a series of Tweets attacking her father.
“My father is a lunatic&doesn’t even deserve such a title since he’s never been around in my life other than when he’d threaten me&my family,” she began earlier on Friday night, Tweeting that Michael’s recent actions made her sister, Ali, cry. “He should be where he has always put himself after verbally abusing and physically abusing people all my life-behind bars. Its so sad to get a phone call from my baby sister just now asking, “why is daddy doing this?” Through tears. “He’s crossed the lines&hurt me&my family 4 the last time… So much for having a ‘dad’….. I’m going to spend some time with the ones that love me&i love now,” she continued.
“I appreciate those who continue to support me. My fans keep me strong & I love you all so much for it! My second family is what you are to me.”
Meanwhile, mommy Dina is continuing her own rant against Michael:
“He is also six months behind in his child support. On Monday, we will file a violation order, and if he doesn’t pay, he’ll go to jail,” she told the New York Post.
“I believe in karma, and his leash is getting tighter,” she added. “He just needs to zip his mouth.”
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